
What Is The Viokin Background Music In Korean Drama City Hunter


City Hunter: Episode 2

What a fun, zippy mystery. My favorite thing about this drama is that it's so pretty to await at. (And I'g non even talking about Lee Min-HOT.) It'south got some seriously sexy cinematography, and a fictional world I already take to—it's a heightened reality, which feels like a comic book. Recollect: Alias rather than 24. It's maybe a slight divergence genre-wise, only a massive difference tonally. It may be this drama's only real connection to its original source manga—non story, not character, non anything else, but the feel of a pulp comic kind of world. Which I gotta say, I totally dig.


After finding out the truth about his birth parents, Yoon-sung decides to fulfill his destiny to avenge his male parent'due south death. He begins to railroad train and study fervently, while his surrogate male parent Jin-pyo builds his drug empire, from huts to mansions.

Yoon-sung gets accepted into MIT, and Dad furnishes him with a new identity, every bit an American citizen from Texas. Well that's a handy way to avert paying international students' tuition… which possibly isn't a concern for a drug lord, so yeah…

Dad tells him the rules, now that he's about to leave dwelling house and assume a new identity: "Trust no ane. Love no i. The moment your identity is revealed, you and those around you lot volition exist stained ruby."

Vii years later, Yoon-sung arrives in Seoul. He stands in a plaza in the center of the city, unaware that KIM NANA (Park Min-young) is standing but a few feet away.

Nana gets a call and rushes to the hospital, where she's behind on hospital bills, and the doctors are threatening to take her comatose begetter off of life support, and refusing to operate on him. The doctor tells her that it's been 10 years that he'due south been in this state; it'southward time to permit go.

Tears streaming downward her face, she pleads with the doctor to please save her father, and that she'll scrape the coin together somehow. She seems to arraign herself for his condition, saying that she'due south the reason he's lying there like that.

Nana is quite the odd-job fiend, juggling as many role-fourth dimension jobs every bit humanly possible, so some. 1 of these is a designated driver service, and she rushes from work to go pick up a customer…

At the aforementioned time, Yoon-sung is at a club, talking on the phone to "Ajusshi" (Shik-joong) about someone who has a bunch of odd jobs, and more often than not works at night for a designated driver service. He's clearly talking well-nigh Nana, having looked into her whereabouts as a favor to him.

He's joined by a drunk girl, and they caput out to make a night of it… only to notice that the designated driver waiting for them is Nana. This is their first official meet, but he'southward clearly aware of who she is, from her photo and his background research on her, for Ajusshi's sake.

He doesn't let on that he recognizes her, and they get in the motorcar, merely to be chased downwardly by KIM Young-JU (Lee Joon-hyuk), who wants a word with Yoon-sung's date. When he can't locate his ID, he tries to forcefulness her out of the car, and before Yoon-sung has a hazard to stop him, Nana jumps out.

She handily throws him over her shoulder in her sparkly dress and heels, without even breaking a sweat. She'southward ane cool cucumber, plenty to impress Yoon-sung. Heh, love a girl who kicks ass.

Turns out Young-ju is a prosecutor, who tracked the woman downwardly because she's senator Lee Kyung-wan's girlfriend. That man happens to exist Yoon-sung'southward Target No. one every bit well, which means these two are nearly to cross paths in more ways than one.

On the car ride, Nana squirms at the level of very public foreplay going on in the backseat, missing out on the fact that all Yoon-sung seems to be doing is staring in the rearview mirror at HER. Um, awkward.

She finally tin can't take it anymore and just pulls over abruptly, announcing that she's done driving. He follows her out and she tells him that she'll only take ten,000 won, half her usual pay, for taking them this far.

He scoffs and refuses to pay up, so she reaches in his pocket and scoops out his wallet for herself. Is it simply me, or are all the women on this prove getting mighty handsy with this boy? Non that I'd, yunno, do differently.

She takes out the 10,000 won and declines a tip (to herself, heh) and leaves them in the street. Trouble is, once she'due south at the passenger vehicle terminate, she realizes that she left her cell phone in the playboy's automobile, of all godforsaken places.

Said playboy is busy enjoying a nightcap with his honey, while also plying her for information most her sponsor. Pretty epic to actually have him sleep with her for information. I like that he's not squeaky clean, as far as heroes go.

He records their conversation, request nigh the money that he gives her, and if she'due south seen where it comes from. She confirms that it'south dirty money, only has never actually seen him take the bribes himself, though she does know that he writes information technology all downwardly in his little notebook. Bingo.

Meanwhile, Nana chases them downwardly to the hotel to ask for her cell phone back, and calls upwardly to the room. She'south met with a swift denial, not simply because he'southward annoyed only because he's in the center of getting crucial data.

So she stands outside the auto, kicking it for a while, which sets off the alert and manages to take hold of his attention. He runs down in his bathrobe, simply by the time he gets downstairs, Nana has seen her telephone ring with a call from the hospital, and has rushed off.

At the hospital, she begs the doctor again to operate on her father to save him, and promises to repay the toll whatsoever mode that she tin can. He tells her that it's time to give up on him, which she tin't bring herself to exercise.

She cries, pleading with him, until Yoon-sung'south vocalisation calls out from down the hall, "Allow's do that surgery." He tells her that the beak is already paid in full, and leaves her phone before walking out.

Shocked, she follows him out and asks why he's helping her. He tells her he'southward not helping; he merely doesn't want to know that someone died considering of him. He turns downward her request to pay him back, calculation that to him, that corporeality of money is the price of a stick of mucilage.

Nana: "It's true that I'1000 someone who sweats for the price of that gum, but that doesn't mean I'm someone who doesn't know how to say thank y'all. Cheers." He drives abroad with a glace at her in the rearview mirror, while she says to herself, "I will repay you."

While her father gets the performance, Nana receives a phone call, accepting her into the Blue House as a hugger-mugger service agent-in-preparation. She jumps for joy and soon after reports to her showtime day of grooming, nervous and happy.

She's lined upward for her outset roll call, when Yoon-sung strolls in. The pb agent yells at him for being tardy on his offset solar day, and dressed inappropriately at that. Everyone turns around to see who he's talking to, and Nana gasps to see none other than playboy-turned-daddy-savior standing right there.

Dislocated, Yoon-sung tells him that he'south not an amanuensis-in-grooming, and that the forepart desk-bound told him to come up here. That's when geeky intelligence amanuensis Become KI-JOON (Lee Kwang-soo) runs in, calling Yoon-sung, "Physician!" (The PhD-professor kind, non the medical kind.)

Nana: "Doc? MIT?" Yeaaaaaaah. I know. Allow's just go with information technology. Frankly, y'all being a hush-hush service agent isn't exactly… More than conceivable than his being a doctor, so here's the moment where we all only take a big spring and cull to roll with information technology. Okay? Okay.

He turns to get, but and so sees Nana out of the corner of his center, and calls out, "Hey, Ten Thousand Won!" Mortified, she turns around, but he seems happy to see her there. The lead amanuensis asks if they know each other. Yoon-sung: "Yes." Nana: "No." Heh. I already see the potential for much delightful banter to come up.

Yoon-sung is introduced to the communications department as the MIT-gilt-boy, and despite Ki-joon's efforts to turn him into the traditional maknae (workplace newbie, also youngest at 28), Yoon-sung makes it articulate that he's not going to be anyone's lackey.

He turns away the delivery menus for tardily-night food-runs, explaining that one of his contract stipulations was no late hours. Ah, because hunters hunt at night, yep? Either that or you're a vampire, simply I don't think that'south where this is going.

The lead preparation agent informs Nana and some other female agent that he's pulling them out of grooming for a special assignment—the President'south youngest daughter is a bit of a handful, and her secret service detail quit without find. They'll take over immediately.

She sneaks over to the communications section to see Yoon-sung and insist on repaying the hospital bill. He reminds her that working other jobs isn't allowed while she'south employed here, just she doesn't recall it's a trouble as long as he keeps it quiet.

Yoon-sung, "It seems like you lot're trying to use this to Practice something with me, but you're not my blazon. Do I demand to buy you lot a mirror too?" Oh, DAYUM. He walks away, leaving her slack-jawed.

Information technology appears that the communications squad and the surreptitious service agents have a little in-firm rivalry going on, which they put to a judo-wrestling contest. Um, I'yard gonna go ahead and bet against the geek squad on this one. What kind of Brain Trust deduces that they ought to challenge the President's bodyguards to a examination of concrete strength? Pffft.

Yoon-sung gets paired up with Nana, and he basically lets her torso slam the hell out of him, to go on up geeky appearances. She insists that he manus over his bank business relationship number so that she can repay him, refusing to let it go.

Yoon-sung: "Why are you being and then stubborn?" Nana: "Because information technology'southward the cost of saving my father'south life. He'southward the most of import person to me. The most important, so I don't want it for complimentary. The more of import someone is, the more than you lot have to survive and protect him, when things get hard."

The funny part is, she's proverb all this while lying on meridian of him, and he finally looks up at her for a moment. She twists his leg, literally, until he finally caves and agrees to let her repay him.

Shower broody time! We see that Yoon-sung'due south back is covered with scars, not surprising given his militant upbringing, and that he still wears the bullet that pierced his father'south middle around his neck.

By the by, I love the vengeance trinket, because of the fact that it went through his begetter's heart in his final human activity to save his best friend, and then lodged in Jin-pyo'due south shoulder… so that human KEPT It At that place for seventeen goddamn years until he was ready to tell Yoon-sung about his purpose. That's hardcore dude.

He comes up with a plan for Nana to repay him, knowing total well that she'southward just going to spend late nights existence a designated commuter once more. So he offers for her to exist his driver and errand-doer every once in a while, and figures that afterward oh, ii hundred times or and then, their debt will exist settled. Ha. Contract human relationship information technology is.

Oooh, does that brand her your girl friday? Well, I guess not until you lot go a PI, which I'grand not actually sure you're going to do, so nosotros'll put that title on the backburner for now.

They both get called in to meet the President, and this is the first fourth dimension that Yoon-sung comes face up to face with him. The sitting President is none other than Choi Eung-chan, the human who betrayed his father well-nigh directly. While they're in the meeting, the President gets a telephone call from Target No. 1 Lee Kyung-wan, which Yoon-sung notes with interest.

The President's youngest daughter is CHOI DA-HAE (Gu Hara), who basically looks Yoon-sung up and downward like the tall drink of h2o that he is, and throws him her best come-hither wink. Yoon-sung most busts a gut with his very audible "Pfffffft!" correct back at her. Hahaha.

She tries to appoint him in conversation, but he ignores her completely and gets the hell out of dodge. Nana and her partner, SHIN EUN-AH, get introduced to their charge, the bratty Da-hae, who is post-high-schol, pre-college (as in, couldn't get in so she's going to an university to reapply). She seems like a hellbeast trapped in the torso of a girl. Be afraid. Exist very afraid.

Yoon-sung takes a moment to give a progress report to Dad. He reports on Senator Lee Kyung-wan, he of the make clean image and dirty money. Dad tells him that the senator must be dealt with. Yoon-sung asks something that he's been curious virtually: why has he simply given him the identity of ane of the v men he'southward to take out?

Dad tells him that of the Big Five, he knows only 1 person'due south identity for sure: Lee Kyung-wan. Oh, LIES. That's Prevarication #ane from Daddy. Interesting that he'southward keeping the President's involvement out of this for at present. I presume it's because "Assassinate the President" doesn't exactly roll off the tongue as an social club.

Dad tells him to start with Lee Kyung-wan, and brand him reveal the identity of the others. Yoon-sung asks what Dad's purpose was in sending him to the Blue House. Errr…. To put a bullet in the President'southward heart is the real answer, I'm betting, but Dad's not showing his hand simply however. Homo, it'south gonna exist and so good when he finds out!

Yoon-sung tells him that he wants to find a manner to destroy Lee Kyung-wan that he tin can alive with, like getting him caught for doing something that people will never forgive him for. Dad seems pleased with his initiative, so he plans to stand by and permit Yoon-sung phone call the shots.

Hotshot prosecutor Immature-ju is knee joint-deep in an investigation of his ain, targeting the same dirty senator. He ruffles enough feathers to make information technology onto the news, and Yoon-sung immediately recognizes him from the night at the gild, realizing that they were both after the senator's girlfriend for the same reason. He smiles, a picayune impressed at his moxy.

Both boys head to the senator'due south firm, merely their ways of entry says a lot about them, every bit people. Young-ju goes in the front end door to face up him with the investigation, while Yoon-sung scales a wall, makes friends with the guard dogs (via whistle), and slips in the dorsum door.

Immature-ju's visit riles up the senator, who either has convinced himself that lobbying and bribery is only a means to justify the righteous, for-the-people ends, or he'due south got the defensive act down pat.

Young-ju shows that he is a very archetype by-the-book prosecutor: he rebuffs the senator's claims to friendship through his begetter, and points out that unjust means lead to unjust ends. The senator counters that his male parent is no dissimilar (uh-oh, dramaaaaa), and threatens him with his career.

Meanwhile, Yoon-sung listens to their chat while cloning the senator'southward phone and snatching his little notebook, full of names, dates, and whadduya know… exact amounts in bribery funds. Why does the bad guy always have a ledger? Ah well. Bread n butter of the gumshoe genre. Humphrey Bogart never would've solved a instance if it weren't for bad guys keeping good books.

The senator's telephone rings and they notice Yoon-sung mid-take hold of, just he blows the power and sneaks out, like shooting fish in a barrel as pie.

In her modest habitation, Nana hangs upward her adapt, conspicuously her one and only, bought for her new job. That totally strikes a chord with me—I then remember the stress of getting my first existent job, and and so realizing that I couldn't actually afford to dress myself for said task.

She picks up a family unit portrait and tells Dad that she wanted to become a hugger-mugger service agent who protected the President, simply like him. "It'll happen someday, right?" God, I really hope for your sake it doesn't. She pats herself on the caput, similar her dad would, and gives herself a word of encouragement. Aw, that kinda kills me.

On her first mean solar day on Kickoff Girl detail, Nana makes the mistake of body slamming a classmate who comes to retrieve his notes, like he'southward virtually to knife her. Whoops. Hellbeast throws a fit, screaming that her DAD is the President, not her. Sigh. I feel for you, and yet when you deed like that, I have no sympathy.

She decides to retaliate past going clubbing, and hands the agents their outfits for the dark. What? They're non secret cops. They're hugger-mugger service particular. She says they're not supposed to stand out, and then off they become, to the club.

It happens to exist the same club where Yoon-sung is making time with the senator'southward girlfriend, who asks if they're going dorsum to the hotel tonight. He asks why she hasn't been running off to see her sponsor lately, and she tells him that they broke up. Or rather, that he inverse his phone number and hasn't chosen.

Damnit. That'd exist because of his piffling burglary. Realizing that this lead is now cold, he unceremoniously dumps her too, just like that. She chases him out, trying to coax him back, which is when he sees Nana continuing right in front of him.

Thinking on his feet, he grabs her in a kiss. Hot damn. Nana'due south eyes problems out of her head and she stands at that place in shock. The senator's girlfriend gets a good slap in for his cheating means and leaves.

Yoon-sung tries to snap Nana out of her daze, quite pleased with himself for the effect he's had on her. He takes out a big neb and tucks it into her sleeve, equally payment for her "designated kiss," (which makes a little more than sense in Korean: proxy kiss, as in proxy driver) calling it enough to count for fifty errands/selection-ups.

Dude, yous are an ASS. Hahahaha. He turns to walk away, which is when Nana finally comes to her senses and throws him over her shoulder with her signature movement. "Does information technology hurt? Here, yous tin use this to pay for your hospital bills," and she easily him the coin. HA. Sassy girl for the win.

Problem is, Da-hae has used this opportunity to slip abroad with her friends, so Nana runs off to discover her. Outside, she runs into Young-ju, who's still trying to rail downwards the senator'south girlfriend. He helps her observe Da-hae, and she offers to get him the girlfriend'south number, from the "Bad Luck Bastard."

At work the next mean solar day, Yoon-sung pages her for her starting time errand—bringing him coffee, and she gives him a notebook to make full with stamps for every errand. He wonders why she didn't merely accept the offer of knocking 50 of them out with the kiss, and she counters that he ought to exist apologizing for using her.

He scoffs that information technology wasn't a kiss; it was a hello. Um, Hi there. *waits patiently for kiss*

Yoon-sung: "Why are you acting like I stole your first osculation?…" She looks away awkwardly, and he giggles, "Couldn't possibly… Is that what that was? Really?" She scurries away in embarrassment, while he has a giggle fit. Keh.

Fourth dimension for the Brain Trust to get more judo training from the surreptitious service. Nana tries to teach Yoon-sung some moves, but he just keeps staring at her and giggling similar a fool. So cute.

She slams him down and asks what he's looking at, and and so lecherously at that. He's like a domestic dog with a os: "Be honest. Information technology was your kickoff time, right?" She answers in banmal and he takes issue with information technology, noting that she'south a year younger than him. Simply she 1-ups him—she'southward the instructor here, and they go tumbling down, her talocrural joint twisting in the process.

Young-ju shows upwardly at the Blue House to enquire Yoon-sung directly nigh information on the senator's girlfriend. Yoon-sung plays it off like it'd exist a waste product of cell telephone memory to go a i-nighttime-stand up's phone number, and Nana eavesdrops, her jaw dropping at the magnitude of his playboydom.

Immature-ju catches up to Nana and offers her a ride to the hospital to x-ray her ankle, but Yoon-sung pulls up first, insisting, "I'm the one who made her ankle that way," and she chooses to go with him, leaving Immature-ju behind.

At the hospital, Nana recognizes ii children who live in her building, running off. The nurse calls out and tells them to go eat at the Sunshine Welfare Office, which immediately triggers Yoon-sung's retention—this is something under Lee Kyung-wan's purview.

The nurse complains that the children continue having allergic reactions to flour, but continue to eat bread because they don't have to worry about hospital bills. They're the recipients of a government grant, which Nana suspects is some fault.

Every bit they exit the infirmary, Nana sees the children eating more bread out on the street, and they panic and run away. She asks Yoon-sung to chase afterward them, and they nearly go run over past none other than Lee Kyung-wan himself, on his way to driblet off his son.

Yoon-sung drops off Nana at home, merely when he sees her hobbling up the steps and so falling over in pain, he scoops her up and carries her all the way home. He decides he'south hungry, so he starts looking in her cupboards, and happily cooks up some ramen.

As they consume, he looks around and sees all the red stickers on her stuff, wondering what it means. He actually doesn't know, not having grown up here, so she explains that her mother died in the accident that put her male parent in the hospital, and because of the hospital bills, the banking concern's been threatening to seize all her assets. Just now that she'due south dutifully employed, she doesn't need to worry well-nigh information technology anymore.

At that place'due south a knock at the door, and the neighbor boy from earlier comes crying, saying that his sister has collapsed. They blitz her back to the hospital, and the doctor tells them that she probably went into shock from the allergy.

Back at habitation, Nana asks why they aren't eating rice, and finds out that their father has abandoned them, and that they're basically starving. The next day they get to the social welfare office to suss out why the children aren't getting their welfare checks.

The homo tells them that they're listed every bit receiving monthly food stamps from Sunshine Welfare. To acme information technology off, the man in charge of the distribution of funds arrives, and his name rings a bell—it's one in Lee Kyung-wan's ledger.

Yoon-sung basically reaches the same conclusion that we practise—this man is siphoning welfare funds to pad the senator'due south pockets. He alludes to it indirectly, by asking pointedly whether the children are lying or he is, simply Nana drags him out before he causes more of a riot.

On his way out, he starts casing the joint, noting where all the cameras are positioned. He looks back at the homo, who is already decorated shredding documents to cover his tracks.


Hm, not the best fashion to end an episode, for a drama based on intrigue and action, but hopefully they'll step up the cliffhangers from hither on out. Otherwise I like information technology and then far, despite my reservations for how the second episode would live up to the get-go, which was a nifty fashion to gear up the vengeance plot. What a strong opening that was.

This episode took a lighter tone and felt more relaxed, giving us plenty of ways to connect with the characters emotionally rather than plowing us down with as well much Council of Five business organisation. This mode I'm already attached to characters like Nana, who is so far a kickass heroine who Actually has a good caput on her shoulders. (I know! This shouldn't be so rare!) It makes for smart, sexy banter between the leads, and some great situational comedy amidst the drama.

It's clearly going to be a big trouble when Yoon-sung discovers that the President is the man responsible for his father's bump-off, if Nana lands her dream task… to protect him. It'south the kind of setup that inherently creates conflict betwixt them on a massive calibration: honey vs. country, credo, and vengeance. Bring. It. On.


  • City Hunter: Episode 1
  • Lee Min-ho nekkid
  • Random, thy name is Metropolis Hunter
  • City Hunter posters and stills
  • Lee Min-ho gets down and dirty (literally) for Metropolis Hunter
  • The supporting leads of City Hunter
  • City Hunter's first osculation scene
  • More than Lee Min-ho photos from Urban center Hunter
  • Lee Min-ho on location for City Hunter
  • Lee Min-ho's other romantic loveline in City Hunter

Tags: Metropolis Hunter, featured, Lee Min-ho, Park Min-young

What Is The Viokin Background Music In Korean Drama City Hunter,


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