baby clicking while bottle feeding

Your packet of joy is here in your lap and feels happy when yous are effectually. Your baby communicates with y'all by making different sounds and noises when they are happy or cranky.

"Sometimes parents might detect a clicking sound when they kickoff bottle feeding the baby. You equally a parent might notice this sound to be a different one. And you will wonder why this clicking sound comes when y'all feed your baby from a bottle.

Well, the clicking audio starts when your infant is breaking tight seals around the baby bottle nipples that he made with his lips during feeding from the canteen."

The next thing is how to finish it. You can cease information technology by knowing its cause.

Allow's find out why clicking sounds occur and how to stop the baby from clicking when bottle feeding.

What are clicking sounds?

baby clicking on bottle

Clicking sounds are produced due to loss of suction. It can occur due to some reasons, out of which some would require a consultation with the pediatrician while some are not to be worried about.

The audio is like when nosotros touch our natural language with the palate and then push it downward. Sounds like "tsk tsk"

Your baby is breaking seals around the nipple of the canteen while sucking from it.

Why is this happening, at that place are reasons that I volition discuss. So proceed reading to know more almost clicking and how to stop it from happening.

Reasons backside the clicking sounds

clicking bottle feeding

At that place are reasons behind the clicking sounds produced during bottle feeding and these are:

Improper feeding position

If yous are feeding your kid at the wrong angles then it will cause a clicking audio as the infant is unable to feed in an improper or poor positioning.

Make an angle of 45 degrees and then that the baby can easily bottle feed and the mother should as well exist in a comfortable position. Bad positioning will pb to clicking sounds by the baby when feeding.

The nipple shape is not correct

The nipple shape might exist a trouble that is interfering with the baby'southward bottle feeding and that'southward why clicking sounds are occurring. Nipple should take a narrow base of operations and a gradual slope that will allow your infant to take all or most of the silicone portion of the nipple into their mouth and seal their lips.

Nipple size is non correct

The larger the nipple size the faster the nipple flow rate of milk supply. A fast charge per unit of milk flow volition cause the inability of the young 1 to swallow it, information technology might lead to choking and coughing as well.

If the milk or babe formula is flowing as well fast for the babe, you will notice your baby breaking the suction and the milk escaping out of the side of their rima oris.

And if the nipple size is small, the ho-hum menses rate of milk will also cause frustration and crying in the baby. And there are chances that the baby will produce clicking sounds as he/she is unable to get the feed properly.

Baby is not hungry

Babies are not hungry all the fourth dimension and sometimes they use a canteen to comfort themselves past just chewing it. This besides produces a clicking audio.

Nasal congestion

In wintertime it happens most of the fourth dimension that your baby may become nasal congestion and will give clicking sounds when bottle-fed. These will go away once congestion ends.

To relieve congestion put a drop of nasal saline in the nostrils so that the baby can have milk properly.

Oral thrush

The itching and sore oral fissure caused past oral thrush will result in clicking sounds. Information technology volition get abroad once you go handling from your pediatrician.

Ear infection

Another infection that might be troublesome is an ear infection. Babies might exhibit fever and frustration. Sucking and swallowing can crusade force per unit area changes in the centre ear that may increment ear infection pain. Babe will break the seal repeatedly to save pressure, and will produce clicking sounds.

Tongue tie

Tongue-necktie (ankyloglossia) is a congenital disorder where the infant has a restricted range of movement of his/her natural language.

The tongue-tie condition causes an abnormally short, thick, or tight band of tissue (lingual frenulum) to demark the tongue's tip to the floor of the mouth, which may obstruct bottle feeding.

Babies with natural language ties have to eat milk while feeding. In addition, reduced tongue mobility leads to tiredness resulting in losing suction while bottle-feeding or breastfeeding. This will happen most of the time so information technology is all-time to see the md. Usually, a surgical procedure relieves this condition.

Cleft palate and lip

Clefts in the upper lip, the roof of the mouth (palate), or both are considered fissure palate and lip. When a child is growing in the womb, his or her facial tissues must shut, but sometimes they don't. This may cause a cleft lip or cleft palate.

The biggest claiming will be feeding and the babe will produce sounds due to improper latching or shallow latch. Surgical intervention can right it.


At around 6 or 8 months your infant volition chew on a bottle due to teething. While taking a canteen, the baby may constantly break suction to release pressure from the gum. This will get away with time as it's a temporary stage.

And so how to stop the baby from clicking when canteen feeding?

clicking when drinking bottle

Now we know three reasons that are causing it so we can correct them by taking the following measures.

Make proper feeding position

Feed the canteen to your young one in the proper or ideal position as mentioned earlier. Do not brand the baby lie apartment or directly upwardly. It should be at a 45-caste angle and agree the bottle horizontally.

Change the nipple size of your baby's bottle

Change the size of the nipple and use which fits improve with your babe's mouth then that he/ she tin take a proper latch.

Go on track of feeding time

Past keeping track of your baby's feed fourth dimension y'all will provide a canteen when he/ she is hungry.

Get medical advice or interventions when necessary

Babies with tongue tie, cleft palate or lip, and infections of the oral fissure, nose, and ear all need medical attending and advice. So do consult your pediatrician.


From the above give-and-take, we tin can conclude that

  • Clicking sounds are produced due to loss of suction and improper latching of baby when bottle feeding.
  • In that location are many reasons, some need to exist taken seriously to avoid any dangerous consequences. While others can exist improved by taking proper measures at abode.
  • If clicking sounds are bothersome and then consult your health professional person or health visitor in fourth dimension.
  • Take care of your immature one and ever stay vigilant.


Why does my baby brand noises while feeding?

Your babe may not be sucking correctly if she makes clicking sounds or dimples her cheeks when breastfeeding. Even if you lot're sure she's in the proper position, double-check, particularly if your nipples are hurting. Nipple hurting is oftentimes caused past poor placement and latch-on.

Can babies drink chest milk too fast?

A quick or powerful menstruum is non always an issue for a baby. Many newborns similar the faster step and milk spurting from the breast are entirely natural. Some newborns, however, may seem to be overwhelmed and irritable equally a result of a rapid let-down; they may cough, asphyxiate, or lose go of the breast and scream.

How quickly do breasts refill?

As previously stated, the chest is never fully empty, although feeding reduces milk menstruation to the betoken where no considerable quantity is secreted. It normally takes 20-thirty minutes to restore acceptable flow and closer to an hour to restore peak flow.

How practice doctors cheque for tongue-tie?

Tongue-tie is normally discovered during a physical test. In the example of babies, the doctor may employ a screening instrument to assess several characteristics of the tongue'due south appearance and movement.

Exercise tongue-tied babies have trouble breastfeeding?

Some newborns with tongue ties nurse effectively right away, while others practice so until posture and connection are addressed. However, any tongue knot that inhibits normal tongue mobility might cause nursing issues.

Do babies with tongue-tie sleep more?

Because of the sub-optimal resting posture of a tethered natural language, a kid who has ane may tend to mouth-breathe and/or rely excessively on a dummy to sleep. Both of these may cause nocturnal waking and restrict deep, restful sleep in a diversity of means, presenting as "simply" a sleep disorder.

References condition/tongue-tie/symptoms-causes/syc-20378452